System Features

Latest Technology

Blockchain-based transactions to boost security, trust and confidence in every activity.

Innovative solutions

Digitalizing Islamic capital market and liquidity management products for cost efficiency and ease of operations.

All in one offering

Comprehensive platform offering products and services that cater for the needs of Sukuk issuers, central banks and market players.

Multi-lingual capabilities

The platform and associated services are offered in English, Arabic, French, Russian, Urdu and many more. You name it, we got it (or will get it for you).


We are Shaping the future of Islamic Capital Market

Sukuk Hub

A digital platform offering sovereign and institutional entities the ability to issuemanage, and trade Sukuk seamlessly and in a cost-effective way.

Smart Sukuk solution that is created to make the process of sukuk issuance, easier, faster, cheaper, and more accessible.

Liquidity Hub

A digital liquidity management platform built to offer central banks a one-stop solution to liquidity products that a central bank needs to manage their relationship with local Islamic banks, implement their monetary policy, and carry out their role as lender of last resort in compliance with Shariah requirements and AAOIFI standards.

Treasury Hub

A digital treasury management platform allowing Islamic banks to execute treasury deals instantly with end-to-end digital processes in a fully secure platform


We Provide Smart Islamic
Capital Market Instruments


We Make Future In Capital and Money markets.

Effective monitoring and control of liquidity levels in the Banking system

Central banks benefit from our liquidity management system “Liqudity Hub” by maintaining overall economic stability. Through effective monitoring and control of liquidity levels in the banking system, central banks can mitigate the risks associated with financial crises and prevent excessive fluctuations in interest rates. Moreover, a well-functioning liquidity management system provides central banks with the tools to implement monetary policies more effectively, influencing money supply and interest rates to manage inflation and stimulate economic growth. By fostering a stable financial environment, such systems contribute to the resilience and sustainability of both Islamic banks and the broader economy.

  • Compliance: Fully Shariah compliant
  • Fully-automated: Issuance, management & trading
  • Secured: Powered by blockchain technology and high-tech security process
  • Monetary policy: Central banks liquidity management instrument

Navigate the dynamic nature of the financial market while adhering to Islamic ethical standards

Liquidity Hub holds significant advantages for Islamic banks, such a system ensures efficient utilization of their resources, allowing them to balance short-term obligations and long-term investments in compliance with Sharia principles. By accurately forecasting liquidity needs and optimizing the deployment of funds, Islamic banks can maintain stability and enhance their financial performance. Additionally, a well-implemented liquidity management system enables these banks to navigate the dynamic nature of the financial market while adhering to Islamic ethical standards.


The adoption of Treasury Hub offers a multitude of advantages for banks. Foremost, such a system streamlines the complex task of managing financial operations, encompassing cash management, risk assessment, investment analysis, and regulatory compliance. By providing real-time visibility into cash positions and facilitating efficient cash flow forecasting, banks can optimize their liquidity management strategies, ensuring they have the right amount of funds available when needed. Additionally, a robust treasury management system enables banks to identify and mitigate financial risks more effectively through sophisticated risk modeling and scenario analysis. This not only safeguards the bank’s assets but also enhances its resilience in the face of market volatility and unforeseen economic challenges. Moreover, the system’s automation of routine tasks reduces operational errors, enhances efficiency, and frees up human resources for more strategic initiatives. Overall, the utilization of a treasury management system empowers banks to make well-informed decisions, improve their financial performance, and maintain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape.

    Empowering you with a seamless and ethical investment avenue, diversification opportunities, enhanced transparency, and efficient transaction processes, aligning with your financial goals and values

    Engaging with a Sukuk Hub offers investors a range of compelling benefits. Firstly, Sukuk Hub provides access to a diverse array of sukuk instruments, catering to various risk appetites and investment preferences. This diversity enables investors to build well-balanced portfolios while adhering to Islamic principles of finance. Additionally, Sukuk Hub facilitates transparency by furnishing comprehensive information about the sukuk offerings, their underlying assets, and the issuing entities. This transparency fosters informed decision-making, allowing investors to assess risks and potential returns accurately. Moreover, the convenience and efficiency of digital transactions on the platform expedite the investment process, reducing administrative hassles and enabling quicker deployment of capital. The accessibility of real-time market data and analytical tools equips investors with insights to monitor their investments and adapt strategies in response to market dynamics. Overall, Sukuk Hub empowers investors with a seamless and ethical investment avenue, diversification opportunities, enhanced transparency, and efficient transaction processes, aligning with their financial goals and values.

    • Compliance: Fully Shariah compliant
    • Tech Based: Based on smart contracts
    • Smaller ticket sizes: Open to all types of investors
    • Digital process: Issuance, management & trading in one stop-shop
    • Transparent & reliable: Powered by blockchain technology

    Boost your Economy and become a hub for Sharia-compliant financial activities

    The establishment of iSecuritiesHub that encompasses liquidity management, treasury management, and sukuk issuance and trading can offer a myriad of advantages for a country’s financial ecosystem. Firstly, iSecuritiesHub enhances the attractiveness of the country as a destination for Islamic finance, attracting foreign investments and bolstering its reputation as a hub for Sharia-compliant financial activities. By providing efficient liquidity management tools, iSecuritiesHub supports stability in the financial system, enabling banks and institutions to optimize their funds while adhering to Islamic principles. The incorporation of robust treasury management functionalities aids in prudent resource allocation, risk mitigation, and effective monetary policy implementation by central banks, thereby fostering overall economic stability. Furthermore, iSecuritiesHub’s facilitation of sukuk issuance and trading creates a vibrant secondary market for these instruments, encouraging capital mobilization for both government and corporate projects in line with Islamic ethical standards. This, in turn, stimulates economic growth, infrastructure development, and job creation. Ultimately, iSecuritiesHub enhances a country’s financial landscape by promoting responsible liquidity management, informed decision-making, and ethical investment opportunities, contributing to sustainable economic development and international recognition.